
  • Here you will find a list of the dance groups where they are known to us.
  • Please let us know, if you have any information that should be added to this page. Just send your info to Bernd.
  • Otherwise, you'll find the most complete list of set dance groups on Bills website under:

Bernd Fallert


post code   0xxxx

post code   1xxxx

post code   2xxxx

post code   3xxxx

post code   4xxxx

  • Fritzpatrick’s Irish Pub, Girardetstr. 2, 45131 Essen (in the Girardet-House)
    Sunday starting at 15.00 h, - - Set Dancing

post code   5xxxx

post code   6xxxx

post code   7xxxx

post code   8xxxx

post code   9xxxx

  • Loni-Übler-Haus, Mathastraße 60, 90482 Nuremberg
    2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month 18.30 - 20.30 h, Bernd Menzel - Céilí Dancing
    see also: (in German only)
  • Frankenhof, Raum 20, Südliche Stadtmauerstraße 35, 91056 Erlangen
    1st Tuesday of every month 19.30 - 22.30 h, Bernd Menzel - Céilí Dancing
    siehe auch:
  • Irish Pub Erlangen, Innere Bruckerstr. 18, 91054 Erlangen
    Dates 19.30 - 22.00 h, Andrea Forstner - - Set Dancing
  • Bürgerzentrum in der alten Schule, St.-Martin-Straße 9, 92318 Neumarkt-Pölling
    Tuesday 19.00 - 21.00 h, Marian Mihelic & Susanne Stachel - Set Dancing
    Irish Set Dancers Neumarkt
  • katholisches Bildungswerk, Obermünsterstraße 10, 93047 Regensburg
    Friday 20.00 - 21.30 h, Michaela Kläge - Set and Céilí Dancing
    Jolly Jigs
  • Mainfränkische Werkstätten, Ohmstraße 13, 97076 Würzburg
    Monday 20.00 - 22.00 h, José F. Sanchez - Set and Céilí Dancing


post code   1xxx

  • WUK Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus, Währingerstraße 59, 1090 Wien/Vienna
    Thursday 19.00 - 20.15 h, Beginner
    Thursday starting at 20.30 h, Advanced
    new beginner classes starting January, April, July and October
    Elisabeth Kölbl - Set and Céilí Dancing, Cumann Céilí Vín


In Switzerland, there are five groups (Aarau/Schafisheim, Basel, Bern, Solothurn and Zürich).

These five groups have their website redesigned in 2010 and since then jointly present their sides at

Information about these groups are therefore best to get on their joint website.